Hi and Welcome!

I assume you use the Atlas for looking up 'trage wegen' (slow roads)
Then it is as said in full Voetweg (sentier) or Buurtweg (chemin) followed by a number eg Voetweg 23
Example of Sint-Agatha-Rode (and area around)
Mosttimes they are in agricultural areas, because in the villages, roads are paved and have names of their own. So they will be mosttimes tagged as track when there is a 'karrespoor' or as path if it is smaller (only foot and/or bike). If it is paved, it can be a minor or unclassified.road, but then it will probably be named. Footway and cycleway are tags for (mosttimes) paved paths inside the villages dedicated for pedestrians and cyclists by the round blue traffic signs.

JOSM is the editor of choice.


Jo wrote:

Hi Marc,

In JOSM, you can use aerial photography on the background by selecting:

Luchtfotografie/Bing Sat

in the menu.

Then you can align your ways on those as well.

As the name I would have put 'Buurtweg 23'. We don't use abbreviations in the names. (Except if BW23 is what you actually found on the name tag)


2011/4/15 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com <mailto:marc.ge...@gmail.com>>

    Thanks everybody for confusing me even more ;-)
    Anyhow, I downloaded JOSM and added my first 'buurtweg' BW 23
    Hopefully, I took the right conclusions for the tags



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