Gerard Vanderveken wrote:
> Hi,
> Tags are good.
> Except segregated = no is only to be used with footway and cycleway.
> So, delete this tag.
> The name in full, name = Buurtweg 23
> I don't know where you get this BW23 from. It is not indicated as such
> in the atlas:

The signs in his municipality show it like that. IIRC it's something like this 
over there:

VW13 | Blablastraat >

But even then I would chose to write it out in full in the name=* tag like 
name=Voetweg 13

> surface = unpaved is good unless you know it more specific and then you
> can specify  dirt,  grass, gravel, etc.
> For tracks you can also use the  tracktype

Do watch out linking to those translated pages, even the tags in the 
Netherlands can be different than in Belgium. And these NL:* pages were never 
revised for Belgian use.

For highway=track: unlike what it says on that page, *ONLY* use it for unpaved 
roads. Anything with asphalt or concrete is either residential of unclassified 
(paths can be paved and unpaved).

Furthermore: use track only if some vehicles on four wheels are allowed to use 
it (this means that a highway=path can be 10 meters wide if it has signs on 
either side preventing anything other than pedestrians, cyclists, horses or 
mopeds). So if residents or farmers are allowed to use it to go to their house 
or fields it becomes a track. But I agree that it's sometimes not all that 


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