Drupal only for a blogs ? That must be a joke. Colleagues of mine developed
Drupal websites for a shop, a dog school, karate club etc. in their spare

look around at
http://www.flashmint.com/wp/2012/08/20-best-drupal-sites-of-2012/ (or one
of the many other sites listing interesting drupal sites)

But as usual, their is no silver bullet and everyone will propose/defend
the tool they are most familiar with. I'll agree with Ben, that reusing
what other countries are doing is the way to proceed ("standing on the
shoulders of giants" :-)  )  Please do not try to reinvent the wheel by
starting from scratch



On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe that there was a blog post on Coding Error that stackoverflow
> got most traffic via google search. Google is the dominant search engine,
> whether we like it or not. Anyhow, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is
> something you cannot neglect as a business. But the domain name is not that
> relevant imho.
> Search for "rent a room in new york" and the top hit is airbnb.com . No
> "room", "rent" nor "NY" in the name. Content, metatag, links from other
> sites, url of pages etc. all play a role. Google only give hints on what
> their algorithm uses, all the rest are guesses.
> I would also stick the to naming convention used in the other countries so
> openstreetmap.be
> (there are e.g. openstreetmap.nl, openstreetmap.fr, openstreetmap.de )
> Also what technology are they using for their sites ? Their communities
> (especially the German one) are larger and they might develop reusable
> components, that can be used on other sites. And what is the main
> openstreetmap.org using (read it somewhere but forgot it)
> regards
> m
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 9:54 PM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be> wrote:
>>  On 2013-09-10 20:06, Ivo De Broeck wrote:
>> Its important (for Google) to have a domain name like
>> belgiumopenstreetmap.be ( see
>> http://ivoweb.be/wat-heb-je-nodig/domeinnaam-kiezen ); All other related
>> url's can be redirected to that site (like osm.be and many others)
>> Which will make you compete with yourself as the same files get indexed
>> for every domain for all search engines if not done properly ...    I'm
>> still wondering why you claim google find that important.  Sorry for being
>> critical , but I would rather see such claims backed up by sane arguments.
>> Glenn
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