Here are a few applications which suffer from repeating the same
information millions of times:

the bandwith of my internet provider for downloading all that cruft
scripts to unpack and read those exorbitantly long XML files, even when I'm
not working with those addresses, so I'm unpacking and processing them in
vain over and over again.

Even with 8G of memory I can't seem to hand JOSM more than about 1G to work
with. Every time autosave kicks in, I'm waiting. I'll be waiting even
longer when those xml files grow even larger. And technology improvements
like SSDs only help so much.

Applications on mobile platforms (the ones Ivo is talking about) would also
benefit from a sensible approach. All that processing drains the battery
even faster and memory for those devices are at premium prices. So it would
make a lot more sense for those apps to be improved, than for us to start
millioniplicating data.


2013/11/15 Ivo De Broeck <>

> I agree with that, address:street is easily to change or view at all apps
> for smartphones or tablets too.
> 2013/11/15 Marc Gemis <>
>> Got this answer from lonvia on
>>  You've mapped it correctly, Nominatim is just not very good at updating
>> associatedStreet relations. It's a known 
>> bug<>
>> .
>> Here is what happened: you've originally put the house into this
>> associatedStreet 
>> relation<> which
>> does contain the 'Pierstraat - Matenstraat' street. Nominatim simply uses
>> the first street it finds in such a relation for the name an ignores all
>> tags on the relation itself, so that is where the name comes from. Later
>> you have moved the house to the new relation and that move was not caught
>> by Nominatim's update process. The houses will only be updated when they
>> are changed themselves again.
>> also interesting is this quote from lonvia in the above mentioned bug:
>> Nominatim would be perfectly happy if you added only addr:street tags and
>> got rid of the associatedStreet relations. The relations mostly don't carry
>> any additional information and are a bit of a pain to handle. addr:street
>> is much better supported.
>> So I wonder more and more whether we should add those theoretically nice
>> associatedStreet relations....
>> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Marc Gemis <> wrote:
>>> the help thread is here:
>>> seems that Nominatim was not updated after the associatedStreet-relation
>>> update
>>> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Marc Gemis <>wrote:
>>>> I'm reading
>>>> especially the section on "Building indexing"
>>>> Buildings, houses and other lower than street level features (i.e., bus
>>>> stops, phone boxes, etc.) are indexed by relating them to their most
>>>> appropriate nearby street.
>>>> The street is calculated as:
>>>> 1. The street member of an associatedStreet relation
>>>> 2. If the node is part of a way:
>>>> 2.1 If this way is street level, than that street
>>>> 2.2 The street member of an associatedStreet relation that this way is
>>>> in
>>>> 2.3 A street way with 50/100 meters and parallel with the way we are in
>>>> 3. A nearby street with the name given in addr:street of the feature we
>>>> are in or the feature we are part of
>>>> 4. The nearest street (up to 3 miles)
>>>> 5. Not linked
>>>> It seems that it takes one of the streets from the associatedStreet
>>>> relation to work with. The segment should be long enough (longer than
>>>> 50-100 m ?). It then works with this street. It simply ignores the tags on
>>>> the associatedStreet. This would make the relation useless to solve any
>>>> issue regarding name and postcode for streets that are the border between 2
>>>> villages.
>>>> The 2 names in the standard tag are "required", otherwise many QA-tools
>>>> will complain name:left/right is not recognized, or are they ? (yeah I know
>>>> do not tag for ... :-) )
>>>> You can't use a semi-colon in the name (to indicate multiple names)
>>>> otherwise another bunch of QA-tools complain that there are 2 names on a
>>>> "highway".
>>>> BTW, the postcode is also wrong in my example. It should be 2840.
>>>> It has time, Glenn, it's wrong for several weeks now, so a day more or
>>>> less does not matter.
>>>> m
>>>> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Ben Abelshausen <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Glenn Plas <>wrote:
>>>>>> If it can wait I'll check this evening with full attention.
>>>>> That's up to marc. But I guess he would like to see his work be made
>>>>> into something useful. :-)
>>>>> Met vriendelijke groeten,
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Ben Abelshausen
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