On 14-01-15 18:04, Sander Deryckere wrote:
> It's quite likely he doesn't know what a multipolygon is. iD creates
> those for the user when they "merge" areas. That merging is meant to
> make holes in areas.

Ok, great to know this, tx I didn't realise.  ID also doesn't seem to
validate as the original buildings (parts of) where still there it seems.

> So I guess he merges some form with another form, and iD creates a
> multipolygon without the user knowing it.
> The realigning of course is his fault, and I hope in the near future we
> can just point them to use MapBox (which will use Agiv imagery). Since
> copy-pasting a TMS url to iD for every session is a bit tedious.

Indeed, I think the biggest problem is realising there is a better
source and also skills to understand that some sat photo's aren't
looking at the earth in a 90 degree angle.  I'm sure you'll find houses
like that from my hand as well before AGIV came along.

> (btw, I reached 95% completeness on my town, 8840, the remaining ~165
> are mostly unclear addresses and some plain mistakes that need to be
> reported to Agiv, so that will be a slow 5%. Most of the reports I made
> were solved rather quickly so far.)

I pretty much completed all I could, the remaining issues are usually
borderline problems, only a few mistakes or a place where the node is
way off (usually centralised in the middle of the property) but where
the house is way off.  I never use the meters option in the tool, I keep
the default behavior there.

But like this person made a second changeset where he popped number 110
into a row clearly in the 80's.  It's way off, he mentions the source
which is the website of Century 21 and funny enough, that site has got
the number wrong, hence they introduce errors.

I wish there was a way to let a mapper know the area has been
housenumbered against trusty sources.


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