For a first time user, his edit wasn't actually _that_ bad.  The shape
of the buildings was far better than mine, so I kept that.

We have to seize the opportunity on the OpenData conference in Namur to
get fresh blood in and warn about ID editor, promoting JOSM.

I only used the reverter plugin less than 5 times in all those years,
this one wasn't one of them.  I tried to keep the good work, correcting
the bad.

I always try to invite these users to the mailing list and point them to
the documentation on housenumbers Sander wrote.


On 14-01-15 19:03, Jo wrote:
> This mapper just registered today. Even though he managed to 'destroy'
> some data during his first attempts at editing the map, I believe our
> first priority should be to welcome him in our midst. The second step is
> show him the light and explain what JOSM is and how it's far superior to
> iD, LOL.
> If the data is terribly disrupted, it's relatively easy to revert the
> edit for really serious cases, especially when no further edits have
> occurred yet.
> Losing/alienating 'fresh mapper blood' is a much bigger problem. So it's
> important we're as constructive as possible. It's a community project
> and we desperately need that community to grow bigger.
> Cheers,
> Jo
> 2015-01-14 18:14 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas <
> <>>:
>     On 14-01-15 18:04, Sander Deryckere wrote:
>     > It's quite likely he doesn't know what a multipolygon is. iD creates
>     > those for the user when they "merge" areas. That merging is meant to
>     > make holes in areas.
>     Ok, great to know this, tx I didn't realise.  ID also doesn't seem to
>     validate as the original buildings (parts of) where still there it
>     seems.
>     >
>     > So I guess he merges some form with another form, and iD creates a
>     > multipolygon without the user knowing it.
>     >
>     > The realigning of course is his fault, and I hope in the near future we
>     > can just point them to use MapBox (which will use Agiv imagery). Since
>     > copy-pasting a TMS url to iD for every session is a bit tedious.
>     Indeed, I think the biggest problem is realising there is a better
>     source and also skills to understand that some sat photo's aren't
>     looking at the earth in a 90 degree angle.  I'm sure you'll find houses
>     like that from my hand as well before AGIV came along.
>     >
>     > (btw, I reached 95% completeness on my town, 8840, the remaining ~165
>     > are mostly unclear addresses and some plain mistakes that need to be
>     > reported to Agiv, so that will be a slow 5%. Most of the reports I made
>     > were solved rather quickly so far.)
>     I pretty much completed all I could, the remaining issues are usually
>     borderline problems, only a few mistakes or a place where the node is
>     way off (usually centralised in the middle of the property) but where
>     the house is way off.  I never use the meters option in the tool, I keep
>     the default behavior there.
>     But like this person made a second changeset where he popped number 110
>     into a row clearly in the 80's.  It's way off, he mentions the source
>     which is the website of Century 21 and funny enough, that site has got
>     the number wrong, hence they introduce errors.
>     I wish there was a way to let a mapper know the area has been
>     housenumbered against trusty sources.
>     Glenn
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