
How do we tag the roundabouts in a relation of hiking route minor problem but bicycle routes (knooppunten) and public transport routes ? I cute the roundabouts in pieces highway to highway. Is this the properly way? But gives the tester prg like http://osma.vmarc.be/ or http://analyser.openstreetmap.fr/cgi-bin/index.py?relation=2718669 a alert?
Roundabouts you must take at the right hand.(Europe)
1 Example south point 03 to north roundabout 5 highways, coming from the south leaving first highway to point 28, got a nice line in relation. Coming back from the opposite way from point 28 the way must leave at the 4 highway to point 03 a have a gap in the relation.
If the junction=roundabout must be keep to getter you see symbol roundabout.
2 Example what with a large square, marketplace, which cannot be tagged as roundabout but still need to drive ride right hand around it?
situation like first example you have a gap in the relation line.

On response of Guy question several wikipage were recommended not easy to find your way.


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