On 07-06-16 19:04, Jo wrote:
> I don't think there is a separate landuse=school. Schools generally fall
> inside a landuse=residential.
> It's possible to tag building=school. If there is more than 1 building,
> add an amenity=school for the school grounds. I'd put the addr
> information on those, except if all the buildings have different addresses.
> If there is 1 building with 1 school, I guess it can get amenity=school
> together with building=school.

Duplicate housenumbers on seperate buildings is -for certain- an error,
if there are plenty of buildings in a school, then you could create a
relation and addr:* it once instead of all buildings, or map the school
grounds as per Jo's suggestion. Also a good idea is to create an amenity
relation of buildings and address that one.

It's also not uncommon that an amenity=school contains different
addresses on the same building and even different addresses on different
buildings all belonging to the same school.  It's not easy to sort this
out ...   An alternative idea would be to just map the entrances and
address those instead of the buildings.

It's still 'wrong' if there is a physical tag missing logic dictates....
.e.g building ...  In any case.. it's -sometimes- terrible for routing
and geocoding purposes due to the possible size of an amenity giving
distorted results.   So far the theory...

I tested it with geocoding and it seems to be supported though.  I find
exact matches when looking for onjects that only have address
information present on amenities, so  I can confirm nominatim looks at them.

That being said, just discovered I actually mapped this myself in the
past to 'solve' multiple buildings sporting the same address data, but
also to support some of the buildings having a different address yet
they still belong to the same school.

The way I formed my opinion is by trying to find anything on addr:*
combined with an amenity on the wiki and I remarkably didn't find
anything to confirm nor deny that idea.

I remember mapping this school:

Sure enough, just an amenity.  In the light of about 111K addressed
amenities in the UK as Marc mentions I would think this is de facto
accepted but not well documented.

So, I'm adjusting my opinion on this now and consider it OK instead of


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