We can certainly put up a loose-translation (of the Canada wiki) and
just put a header stating that the text is a 'loose translation:
please fix if you can'.

You are also free to reply to any message in french :) - IMO
It just means that there will be a slight delay as we switch on google

(im currently on my mobile, but when i reply from my laptop, it should
automatically translate.)

My guess is that it will be 75% accurate, which is still OK for me :-)


On 2/11/10, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At the moment OSM Canada has fewer resources available than is
> desirable.  The problem with technical translations is how do you deal
> with updates?  And in the case of French much of the work has already
> been done.  May I suggest you talk nicely to openstreetmap.fr and add
> on a few Canada specific pages.
> I agree that openstreetmap.ca should at least have some French text on
> the front page with a link to the Openstreetmap.fr site and a short
> explanation.  This way you'll get a much richer French environment
> without the danger of conflicting information.
> Au revoir John
> 2010/2/11 Nicolas Gignac <gignac...@gmail.com>:
>> Bonjour,
>> Comme le site OpenStreetMap.ca n'est pas traduit en français, je crois que
>> l'on devrait traduire le tout le plus tôt possible si on veut susciter le
>> même intérêt openstreetmap pour les francophones du Canada ? Car celui
>> OpenStreetMap.fr est plus adapté au contexte de la France que celui ici en
>> Amérique.
>> Autre chose, est-ce qu'il y a une procédure possible, si par exemple, on
>> voyait un intérêt au Québec de créer un openstreetmap adapté au contexte
>> québécois (problème de licence unique, données disponibles, droits
>> d'auteurs, langue, etc.) avec une adresse du genre : openstreetmap.qc.ca ?
>> Merci de me tenir au courant.
>> Nicolas
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