On 26/03/11 04:03, Samuel Dyck wrote:

Let me clarify, will the so called tainted data still be up for the near
future, or will I be spending my week preforming hectic Canvec imports
to save street names I gathered with a pen and paper? It doesn't look
good for me

Please ignore Sam - there is no data removal planned for next week.

I think he has confused the stages of the license change process - the next stage is to ask people to accept or decline the license before they can edit.

It is not the point at which the license will change and problem data may have to be removed. It is not even the point at which people who decline will not be able to edit any more.

More details about the implementation plan can be found here:


As I understand things it is Phase 3 which we are close to entering, not Phase 5.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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