I guess the OpenStreetMap Foundation's Map (odbl only) has not yet
been started. Since the date of step 5 is 'to be determined'.
So that's a good reason why i'm actively working on the alternative(s) :-)
To get back on topic, I'll get back to this list once i have the
rules.txt/.pl script and shp/.osm files available of the MLI park
boundary data, since many would like to see this data on the various
map APIs.


p.s. i'll probably be done it before step 5 roles around :-)

On 3/26/11, Samuel Dyck <samueld...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see, my bad. I'm just a little frustrated about the lack of
> communication. I should say that I have already accepted the new terms
> (sorry Sam).
> On 11-03-26 11:48 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:
>> On 26/03/11 16:42, Samuel Dyck wrote:
>>> "*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms
>>> and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions
>>> for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means)." Here.
>>> <http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/We_Are_Changing_The_License#What_Are_The_Choices.3F>
>> I think that's just out of date, like so much in the wiki. New users
>> signing up are sent to a different wiki page when they decline:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
>>> Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why.
>> I believe the main reason is because of the ongoing attempt to improve
>> the contributor terms to deal with various issues which people raised
>> with them. Unfortunately reworking them takes time because of the need
>> to keep passing each draft over to the lawyers for review.
>>> As for the update, why is it not monitored?
>> I don't know - maybe the board has established a Community Monitoring
>> Group yet? Maybe you should suggest it to them?
>> You seem to have me confused with somebody in authority ;-)
>> Tom

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