On 11-12-02 16:07 , Richard Weait wrote:

So let's start treating external like we treat aerial imagery.

Let's don't, and say we did. For much of Canada, aerials aren't useful. Look at, say, Elliot Lake: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=46.3846&lon=-82.6852&zoom=13&layers=M - aerials don't even have road-level resolution, and have a systematic shift.

I think there are two drivers to getting mappers:
1) population density
2) fiercely proprietary national cartographic agencies.

Anyone who ever had to fight with the UK OS would basically map their whole bloody county out of spite.

Viva imports! If I'd seen my neighbourhood completely blank, I would've thought that OSM was a totally lame project and never contributed to it.


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