I to have reservations about some Bing image imports.  I helped a twelve
year old enter a footway, we carefully made a GPS trace, checked the
features page and decided it was a footway not a path, added it JOSM and
uploaded both the GPS trace and the footway under my name.  Patrick was
very proud of having contributed his footway to OSM.

I noticed recently it's been replaced by a "highway=path" sourced from Bing.

Cheerio John

On 3 December 2011 11:37, Stewart C. Russell <scr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11-12-03 10:18 , Gerald A wrote:
>> I think there might have been a misread here -- I don't believe Richard
>> was saying that we should only _use_ aerials
> Nor did I mean that. If you're doing a foot and GPS survey of somewhere,
> and there's nothing on OSM, and there's no useful aerials or other guides
> (no naughty tracing or deriving from maps, remember), what guides have you
> got? You can put your little blob of a lake and some roads down, but who'd
> want to add to your squiggles in the wilderness?
> Yeah, I've been troubled by imports (if I see the RCAF Port Albert runways
> appear again, I'll %^%&%^#*%$W) but mostly, they're where I start.
> Different strokes, but the days of the big blank map are gone.
> [Gone, of course, unless the idea to delete content originally placed by
> non-New Licence mappers but modified by New Licence mappers goes ahead ...
> you'll get you blank back and no mistake.]
> cheers,
>  Stewart
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