The limitation is generally licensing.

Openstreetmap can accept an import of data that is freely licensed, but the
criteria for "freely" are fairly strict - most Canadian cities' "open data"
don't meet it. If you're familiar with Creative Commons, the license will
likely have to be as free or more free as cc-by-sa. In particular, a lot of
Canadian open data licenses have indemnification clauses which rule them
out as sources.

Otherwise, if you're familiar with the area you can try editing the roads
manually - there is a number of satellite imagery sources which has been
approved for tracing in OSM, and you can use personal knowledge as source
for things like road surfaces or widths.


On Fri, Jun 26, 2020, 13:55 Jason Carlson, <> wrote:

> I noticed a number of roads in our county are incorrect in our area (as
> are most rural areas with next to no population). I recently rebuilt all
> our GIS road data and submitted it to an organization that then
> redistributes it to emergency dispatch services and about 25
> organizations/companies. I did not see OpenStreetMap as one of the ones
> they send data too so I was wondering if I could submit that data myself to
> them?
> Jason
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