While waiting for a response I think if I import roads that already exist
(albeit incorrectly) it will possibly be just as much work to fix. I tried
editing changes but the aerial photos by Bing are horribly inaccurate in
some places. I think they must pay for accuracy based on the amount of
population in an area. For example, one rural road comes to the right edge
of a Bing aerial tile and stops as on the adjacent tile the road abruptly
starts 30 meters to the south. I just noticed however I can load other
aerial backgrounds including my own which is very accurate. The only thing
that sucks is I have a lot of data that is missing such as road width, lane
numbers, surface type, road name aliases (like historical or common local
names), speed limits, even signage locations (like yield or stops). With my
3300+ roads (of which OpenStreetMap has split into a heck of lot more
unnecessarily probably from the initial import) this is going to take some
time to fix but hopefully after I do some mapping programs that use
OpenStreetMaps will help people navigate to rural addresses in our region
as right now GPS units are pretty much useless out here.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 11:53 AM Jason Carlson <ja...@starlandcounty.com>

> I noticed a number of roads in our county are incorrect in our area (as
> are most rural areas with next to no population). I recently rebuilt all
> our GIS road data and submitted it to an organization that then
> redistributes it to emergency dispatch services and about 25
> organizations/companies. I did not see OpenStreetMap as one of the ones
> they send data too so I was wondering if I could submit that data myself to
> them?
> Jason
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