Ahoj Pavle,

oslovuji přímo tebe, protože tě mám za největšího odpůrce simplifikace adres 
;-). Čteš konferenci imports@ ? Označují plánovaný import jako extrémně 
redundantní. Dával jsem sem příklad z New Yourku, kde je na adresním bodě jen 
ulice a číslo. Číslo je dokonce interpolované. Nominatim v pohodě a jistě 

Vím, že Nominatim není jediný geocoder, i když pro mě tak trochu referenční, 
protože ho používám a v rámci ČR i provozuji, a že jsou i jiné geokodery, ale 
... pročti si tento post, který je mimo jiné o tom, že každý geokodér musí 
podporovat polygony. Ten import s tolika tagy prostě neprosadíme, takže buď to 
tagování omezíme, nebo to můžeme zabalit.

> - Nominatim really cann't find the house without tag addr:place. "Libochovany 
> 129" or "Vinohrady 1989" - nothing found. It was my primary motivation to 
> this import - posibility to find what i'm searching for.

Alas, that won't change after the import, at least for this particular
address. For technical reasons, Nominatim can only support either a street
address or a conscription number. So, it will work fine in small villages
that have only conscription numbers but not in Prague where there are both.
But that is a missing feature in Nominatim.
I believe that your tagging in this case is completely correct. The moment
you add a addr:conscription_number tag, there should be an addr:place tag
with the name of the place the number belongs to. Just like there should
be an addr:street tag when addr:street_number is added. It has exactly the
same function: relate the number to the object that determines the address.

> There is some redundancy, but i don't think enormous ...
> There is polygon of country boundaries - addr:country=CZ is redundant. We 
> explained several times, why to use this tag Yes, it's about geocoders. It's 
> part of address.
> There are polygons of city boundaries - addr:city=* is redundant. City is 
> of address.
> There are NO polygons of "cast obce", inexistant boundaries we can't import 
> into OSM - addr:place=* is not redundant. addr:place is not cadastral place. 
> addr:place is nececessary part of address, if there is no 
> addr:suburb/borough/...

addr:suburb/borough is not the same as addr:place. Please don't use one in
place of the other. Always add addr:place. addr:suburb/borough is redundant
in the same way addr:city is. Most of the time it can be determined from
the boundaries. It is only really useful where the postal address differs
from the admin boundaries. (Happens more often than one would like.)

If you still want to add it, addr:suburb should be sufficient, no need
to invent a new tag. I'd interpret 'suburb' here just as: the part of
the address that describes a part of the city. And I believe that fits.

> Agree, it's a little bit diferent. This is amenity point, not address point. 
> Restaurant is in house (sometimes, garden restaurant is not) and the house 
> usually has their's own address point.
> > I don't even need to mention what borough (or county) the object is in
> > for the same reasons.
> > Adding in the other fields is just a matter for a geocoder.

That argument doesn't really work. Every geocoder needs to be able to
process boundaries because 95% of the addresses don't have a complete
set of addr:* tags. And once you have boundary support, adding additional
support for the addr:* tags doesn't really add much. Incidentally, that
is the reason why Nominatim still sucks at processing most address tags.


Dne Út 18. března 2014 10:05:03, Pavel Machek napsal(a):

> > - kdyz to snese komunita a teoreticky stvrdi Xificurk,
> > tak doplnit do OSM vsechny hranice, co jsou v RUIAN
> > a tedy vynechat suburb i city
> Tohle prosim ne. V cizine zjevne adresa neni definovana polygonem
> mesta, tak tezko ocekavat, ze to tooly budou z polygonu mesta brat.
>                                                                     Pavel

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