Le 25/09/2012 20:02, Richard Fairhurst a écrit :
Christian Quest a écrit:
Si je comprends bien, cette proposition permettra le blocage si
l'on n'utilise pas de compte dédié, et permettra aussi le blocage
si on ne met pas les bons tags dans le changeset...  de mieux
en mieux !
Oh for goodness' sake, Christian.

There are two opposing points of view which are incompatible here. I have
tried to suggest a compromise that would (as I understand it) permit 90% of
cadastre-based edits to continue, exactly as is, from the user's main
account, with just a tiny modification to Pierre's JOSM plugin source code.
In addition, it would improve visibility of automated edits worldwide so
that the community can "police" them, not just DWG on its own.

Il y a vraiment des moments où l'on a l'impression de perdre son
temps à expliquer son point de vue quand celui-ci n'est absolument
pas pris en compte. :(
If I wasn't interested in taking account of your, and others', point of
view, I wouldn't be reading and posting to talk-fr. Nor would I be
suggesting a solution which is different to the current import guidelines.

But taking account of your point of view does not mean submitting to every
aspect of it unquestioningly. As I say, there are two incompatible points of
view here. We clearly need to find something that will keep both sides
happy, and that 'something' is clearly not either of the two opposing points
of view right now.

If you're not interested in working towards a solution where both parties
can agree, but instead, you want to continue writing angry mailing list
messages because your point of view hasn't been 100% accepted, then sure,
carry on as now, and rebuff all attempts at compromise. And I can guarantee
we will still be having the same argument in a year's time. Your choice.

Yours, rather exasperated,

S'il te plaît Richard pourrait tu écrire en français sur la liste française. Je ne suis pas un expert en en anglais et cela me demande un effort important pour traduire. Les contributeur OSM n'ont pas forcément fait de longue étude supérieur et je pense que c'est la force du projet. Nous avons la chance d'avoir des listes de diffusion dans plusieurs langue. J'accepte de lire et d'écrire en anglais sur la liste Talk@ et j'aimerais que tu fasses cette effort sur la list Talk-fr@. le fait que ton français ne soit pas forcément très correcte n'est pas un problème, le mien ne l'est pas forcément même si c'est ma langue maternelle. Une traduction avec google est aussi accepté.



Please Richard could you write in French on the French list. I am not an expert in English and it demand to me a major effort to translate. The OSM contributors are not necessarily due to higher long study and I think it is the strength of the project. We are fortunate to have mailing lists in several languages. I agree to read and write in English on the list Talk@ and I want you to do this effort on the list Talk-fr@. that your French is not necessarily very correct is not a problem, mine is not necessarily even if it is my native language. A translation with google is also accepted :)


(translate by google)

Talk-fr mailing list

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