Hi Florian,

The quality issues you mentioned about the imported data is due to the rules by which the government has collected this data.

For example: the tiny forests from the 3dShapes import (not the AND import) also appear on the topographical maps. I've examined way 74390172 as an example. Have a look at this map sheet: http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/top25raster/extract/kaartbladen/TOP25raster_67A.zip?formaat=geotiff There is probably a rule at the Kadaster (the Cadastre, also our national mapping agency) saying that a patch like this should be interpreted as a forest, even though there are only 5 or 6 trees visible on the Bing imagery.

Also the building you described as having been drawn by a 5 year old child: unfortunately buildings which have not been finished have not had the proper measurements taken by the local government. They will update the building after a while the building has been completed. This might take several months. It really depends on the processes within the municipality. That also explains why you might see quality differences between municipalities.

Landuse = farm is not necessarily wrong. There is an entire wiki page devoted to this tag: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landuse%3Dfarm. This import (3dShapes) was done several years ago, and it is possible that tagging best practices now describe that croplands should be tagged as landuse = farmland.

Regarding the highway = unclassified tag from the AND import: this was before my time, but I believe it was caused by a lack of granularity of the highway types in the original data. Regarding the tags: in my opinion they can all be deleted. We're not going to receive any updates from them anyways.



On 5-10-2014 21:45, Florian Lohoff wrote:
Hi Johan,

On Sun, Oct 05, 2014 at 04:49:15PM +0200, Johan C wrote:
Hi Florian

I invite you to make comments on the OpenStreetMap forum (
http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=12) because there's more
Dutch mappers active there. Awaiting your input there, I'll already do a
short reply to you,
Hmm i am not the kind of Forum user. I like my email program which helps me
to get the threads together ;)
<or a couple of years i have been to Zeeland in Autumn and as always i have
a little time
to spend on mapping.>

Great, especially on POI's there's a lot of work left
Not only pois. Most of the map around here hasnt been touched since the 
original AND
import. Still a lot of broken highway=pedestrian etc.  What i found:

- A lot and i really a LOT of landuse topology errors. Layered over each other
   without any method i can find. Mixing of landuse and highway nodes e.g..
   Sometimes single trees as a landuse=forest in the middle of the city.
- Use of landuse=farm where landuse=farmland would be right.
- highway=pedestrian for highway=service or path/foot/bicycle type roads.
- highway=unclassified everywhere - no residential in the citys.
- Strange highway name changes - Sometimes not at the crossing but 10m after 
   can not be found on ground.
- A lot of very strange oneways for which some i verified to be non existant.

<Are you planning to move the addresses on the appropriate building

No. Since the address nodes are in the proximity of the entrance that would
substantially lower the quality
Okay - so i dont move nodes except where it makes sense to an entrance on the
building outline.

There's no special local preference, so the standard OSM practice applies.
In the case of one building/one POI I add all information (including
address info) to the building outline ánd I prefer to put the entrance node
on the building outline. In the case of one building/multiple POI's I put
all POI info in a node.
I am just asking before breaking stuff the NL community has agreed to handle

<What about strange buildings from the BAG import? I have a couple cases
the building outline does not at all match the building in a mapbox sat

The BAG should contain the correct building outline, since this is
Cadastral information, nowadays updated very often. But as any database,
the BAG might incidentally have errors. Satellite imagery though is at risk
of being well outdated. So in these cases it's possibly best to have groun
truth info to determine the correct building outline.
I have found buildings which have a start_date of 2014 and are not orthogonal
and dont match the sat imagery. Yes - i'll have a look whether its a new 
but the data looks like a 5 year old drew something in EPSG:4326


<I also found a BAG imported underground parking which is rendered very
on the map. From looking at the data i have the feeling that a layer=-1
at least be added but.>

I agree., all underground buildings should have had layer -x
And in case of parking i am not shure its a wise decision to actually import it.


This building complex looks very strange surrounded by some colored area. Yes i 
we shouldnt care on the actual rendering.

<What about the "and" tags from the original import? What about correcting
the landuse stuff from the original import (landuse=farm -> farmland etc)
and all the topology errors with overlapping landuses.>

I always remove tags like AND_nosr. Of the hours I spend on OSM most are
updating routing errors and POI's. But maybe others are working on landuse
Could we possibly add this to josm standard list of discardableKeys? Then those
tags will vanish whenever somebody touches an object.

Like this:

diff --git a/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/OsmPrimitive.java 
index 62d5f90..2fbb28c 100644
--- a/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/OsmPrimitive.java
+++ b/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/OsmPrimitive.java
@@ -691,7 +691,8 @@ public abstract class OsmPrimitive extends 
AbstractPrimitive implements Comparab
-                            "yh:WIDTH_RANK"
+                            "yh:WIDTH_RANK",
+                            "AND_nosr_r"
          return discardable;

What about AND:importance_level?


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