On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 06:48:58AM +0200, Marc Gemis wrote:
> After 3.5 years and 34.000 addresses, I have to admit that an import is the
> only way to get addresses in OSM fast.

I have done the same amount of Adresses and meanwhile my area is more or
less complete. I think of imports as beeing a huge turn away for new mappers.

NL looks great and complete on the first glance when looking at the map.
Digging deeper shows a significant lack of POIs, errors in road networks,
missing roads and topology changes which happened after 2008. Tons of
missing highway=service,footway,cycleway,path or mistagged roads.

But there wont be any mappers correcting this as it LOOKS correct.

For me large parts of the "rural" NL looks unmaintained. Large parts
of the map havent been touched since the AND import. Compared to the
area where i live. EVERY single street has been touched 10-20 times
in the same timeframe. It got better, corrected, value-added with tags
like lit, maxspeed, surface, width, access etc. Nothing like this 
has happened in the NL because it looked complete.

> Another, related question is how do you want to deal with updates on BAG
> data now. Can a (tourist) mapper change the building outline or remove it ?
> Or will it be reverted with the next BAG update when the change is not 
> reported back to BAG ? That's what I've read on the forum when I reported
> the mistake.

I wont touch buildings and addresses. I did map some buildings and addresses in
Breskens in 2010 and 2013. Thats all gone now - most likely replaced by better
data - but still a demotivating process.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de

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