I have looked through the changes in my part of the world, and it makes 
things much better.  I would encourage you to go ahead and run it with 
the changes that you have made.

Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm new on this list but I assume that the problem I'm talking about 
> has been widely discussed. Someone from the US alerted me to the fact 
> that TIGER only has one type of road link which was imported as 
> motorway_link, and therefore you have little bits of motorway_link 
> sprinkled liberally across the US.
> I propose to run a script that downgrades every motorway_link to the 
> highest road type to which it is connected. A motorway_link that 
> connects to a motorway remains unchanged; a motorway_link that connects 
> a primary and a secondary road will become primary_link, one that 
> connects two tracks (yes, these do exist) will become a track also, and 
> everything in between.
> (This will sometimes cause whole sets of interconnected motorway_links 
> to be downgraded, like this: 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=25.7839&lon=-80.28898&zoom=17&layers=0B00FTFT)
> Preliminary analysis shows that there would be roughly 28k changes 
> across the whole US. I have prepared a full list of all proposed 
> changes, arranged by state and county, here:
> http://www.remote.org/frederik/tmp/us-motorway-link-downgrade/
> I invite you to make some random checks (way IDs are linked to the 
> openstreetmap.org browse page where you get to see the map context) to 
> see whether my script does the right thing.
> I would then run the script after the weekend if nobody has any 
> objections. (Anything that is changed by hand between now and then will 
> not be touched by the script.)
> Let me know what you think.
> Bye
> Frederik

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