alex wrote:
 > On 09/06/2009 05:56 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 > > I would tend to go with highway=track unless the street in question is a
 > > gravelled over macadam or some other semi-paved surface mostly because
 > I would expect that this applies to at least the majority of named roads...

i don't understand.  "the majority of named roads" are, of
course, paved.  i would say that the next most numerous are
simply dirt roads (at least here in new england, and in most of
the US that i've traveled).  roads which are partly paved, or
which are "gravel over macadam" (i'm not entirely clear on what
that means) would be a small minority.

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 69.4 degrees)

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