It might be best to allow neighborhoods to be either polygons or points.  Some 
neighborhoods have a customary boundary line, such as a particular street or 
waterway.  Some are legally defined.  Some just represent an approximate 
location, meaning that a point will work better than a polygon.  In some cases, 
there may be more than one traditional name for an area, with slightly 
different connotations (for example, one term may refer to a very limited area, 
while another covers a broader area, including the small neighborhood mentioned 

Clifford Snow <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 5:47 PM, william skora
> <>wrote:
> > Given the subjective, fluid nature of neighborhoods - especially
> > boundaries - where one neighborhood ends and one begins - may change
> from
> > person to person, they are best represented as a single node in the
> area
> > where there is greatest consensus that the neighborhood is located.
> This
> > can be very roughly estimated by OSM mappers who locally live in or
> near
> > the area.
> >
> One reason for including boundaries is querying to determine what
> exists in
> a neighborhood. Another is to see the result from a search using
> nominatim.
> A single node doesn't really tell much of a story, while a boundary
> give a
> better scope of the neighborhood. It might be more compelling for 3rd
> parties to use our information if we included the boundaries. They in
> turn
> give us greater visibility. And while the boundaries may not be exact,
> people can always change them!
> -- 
> Clifford
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
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