On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:

> OSM has pretty poor neighborhood coverage in the US. We have around 1100
> place=neighbo[u]rhood. Geonames has ten times that at 11,000 (feature class
> P.PPLX - not sure if all of those are neighborhoods) and Zillow has 7,000.
> Both these data sets are provided under (different) CC licenses. Could we
> use either Geonames or Zillow to drive improvement to neighborhood name
> coverage in OSM? I am not proposing an import, but a local MapRoulette
> challenge might work where people with local knowledge accept / reject
> proposed neighborhood points, or something along those lines.

We have city outlines of neighborhoods and sub neighborhoods. A couple of
us have discussed adding them to Seattle but didn't know if neighborhood
boundaries were acceptable. They can not be surveyed on the ground and they
do change over time. Any thoughts?

I wouldn't add a sub neighborhood since most people have never heard of the

As far as MapRoulette, in Seattle we already have most gnis nodes somewhere
near the center of the neighborhood. How do you see MapRoulette handling
existing entries?

One last thought. nextdoor.com is attempting to build on the concept of
neighborhoods.  I wonder if we could partner with them to get more help
identifying their neighborhoods. Similar to Steve Coast's app that asked
people to pick the front door of a house. Imagine if we had a bunch of
people point to and name what they considered was their neighborhood.


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