On 2015-03-31 23:12, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
For background, in the USA there is an intermediate step to
abandonment.  A corridor can be "railbanked",
meaning the easements don't expire.  It's not an active railway, but
it can be returned to rail service
via an administrative procedure.  And in fact, that's happened.
Usually however these become trails,
a process that can take decades.

I'd imagine that most railbanked rights of way would be mapped with railway=disused (inactive tracks, possibly overgrown) or railway=abandoned (no tracks but an embankment, greenway, or clearing still present), as opposed to something like railway=razed. [1] The tags' definitions acknowledge physical characteristics rather than ownership. I don't think we need a tag about railbanking specifically, although a note tag may be helpful as a reminder to future mappers. The nice thing about railway=abandoned is that it can be combined with highway=cycleway once a rail trail is built on the old grade.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Demolished_Railway


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