On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 11:43:34AM -0800, Mark Wagner wrote:
M> > (I couldn't for the life of  me figure out how to add a way to a
M> > relation!)
M> Select a way currently part of the relation.  Shift-click on the way
M> you want to add.  Select "Update multipolygon" from the "Tools" menu,
M> or hit Ctrl+Shift+B.  Simple.
M> Of course, this only works for ordinary relations.  If the way you
M> clicked on is shared by two or more relations, you need to go
M> through the far more complicated method of playing with the
M> relation-editor dialog.

Or use "reltoolbox" plugin, where there is a notion of current                  
relation, and while you got your relation selected as current,                  
adding or removing objects to it is clicking "+" or "-" icon on                 
the sidebar, having object selected. For multipolygons it will also             
set "outer" or "inner" role automatically.              

Gleb Smirnoff

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