On Sep 22, 2020, at 7:05 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:
> For example, in Seattle I lived in the Wallingford Neighborhood. Seattle has 
> defined boundaries for each of the neighborhoods. In other areas, 
> neighborhoods are roughly defined by people living there. In those cases 
> using a place= tag makes more sense.

Clifford:  One more thing.  Several summers ago, I lived at / house sat at my 
sister's house in the Magnolia suburb of Seattle.  I believe I mapped fairly 
well the little "village downtown" there (it was walking distance, as a nice 
suburb or neighborhood might be) as a hobby after I fed her cats, I'd have to 
check OSM data history I think summer of 2012.

But you'll notice that suburbs (not Neighborhoods, as you call them) of Seattle 
are tagged in OSM as place=suburb.  (And it wasn't simply me who has done that, 
I think I only did it once or twice for Magnolia and maybe Ballard).  In a 
larger city like Seattle, this seems about right.  I don't like disagreeing 
with a friend like you about where you have lived (and all I did was feed my 
sister's cat for a few weeks, and I do love Seattle) but I think the jury is in 
about Seattle suburbs in OSM, and they are tagged suburb.  Does Wallingford or 
Ballard or Magnolia get called a neighborhood in local vernacular?  Sure, I 
don't doubt it:  you just did so yourself!  But in OSM tagging, which is I 
think what we're trying to better agree upon, I think the tagging of 
place=suburb on these is correct.

For the original poster's question, I think I've already stated my opinion, 
though there are certainly enough to go around!

We do a lot of landuse=residential on "neighborhoods" in the USA, especially 
without any "council" or active administration at the sub-city level.  Larger 
cities DO have these, admin_level=10 is correct on them.  Smaller cities and 
rural areas that are "a cluster of homes/houses/dwellings?"  I think a 
(multi)polygon tagged landuse=residential works well there.

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