Settlements which are mapped with the place=* key are usually mapped as a
node, not as an area.

There are many place=city areas in the USA, but that's because the tag was
incorrectly added to many municipal boundaries when they were first
imported, years ago.

Some neighborhoods have well-defined boundaries, such as
boundary=administrative relations, and can be mapped as such.

But most neighborhoods, like towns and villages, do not have a clear place
where the named place ends. Even in big cities with well-known
neighborhoods you will hard-pressed to get two locals to agree about the
exact place where one named neighborhood ends and another starts, unless
this is legally defined by the municipality (and even then, real estate ads
and locals will often change things).

So it's best to use place=neighbourhood, like place=town and place=suburb,
on a node at the center of the place.

- Joseph Eisenberg

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 6:41 PM Paul Johnson <> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 8:36 PM Mike N <> wrote:
>> On 9/22/2020 9:26 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> >         The extra hamlet nodes are import remainders that haven't yet
>> been
>> >     converted to landuse areas.   The general landuse zones for that
>> area
>> >     have been identified, but do not exactly correspond to the named
>> >     subdivisions.   As I get a chance to survey, I divide the landuse
>> into
>> >     subdivisions and convert the node to a named area for the
>> subdivision.
>> >
>> >
>> > Please don't expand these as landuse, please expand them as
>> > place=neighborhood instead.  Landuse polygons should be congruent to
>> the
>> > actual land use.
>> That's a good point: the subdivisions often contain one or more landuse
>> basins, clusters of trees, etc.   I've been thinking of them as one big
>> blob, but it seem correct on a more micromap level to mark them as
>> place=, and identify the smaller landuse areas (which are sometimes all
>> residential).
> Exactly.  My rule of thumb is if you're thinking about putting a name on
> it, and it's not a shopping center, apartment complex or similar large but
> contiguous landuse, then landuse=* probably isn't what your polygon should
> be.
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