On 23/09/2020 00.52, Paul Johnson wrote:
In terms of Seattle, I don't think Ballard or Magnolia are a suburb.
They're more of a neighborhood, both subordinate to Seattle.

I admit this threw me at first also, but read https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:place%3Dsuburb. To wit: "OSM's usage of 'suburb' is different than that used by North American English, where a suburb is 'an area, often residential, outside of a central city'."

In the US, we're used to a "suburb" being a separate town, village, or even city that is associated with a large city (New York City, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Seattle, etc.), but that's not the definition that OSM uses. As I understand the wiki, the Seattle usage is correct.


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