I'm harmonious with Minh's comments in the changeset.

The place key, with value suburb, has quite specific meanings, I don't think 
these are those.  And as we don't or shouldn't be truly precise and especially 
not authoritative with "legal subdivisions," I think the "more informal" nature 
of OSM data entry around what a local (resident) might consider "a 
neighborhood" (especially as one distinct from place=neighbourhood. which also 
has quite specific meanings) and not necessarily one taggable with 
admin_level=10 (as it hasn't any administrative neighborhood council, extant, 
but rare in the USA) then yes, use landuse=residential (with a name=*) tag.  
That has worked for some time, it does work for now, and appears it will work 
into the future.

Read https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Key:place (which will show this very likely 
shouldn't be used).
Read https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/United_States_admin_level (which will show this 
very likely shouldn't be used).
Read https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Key:landuse.  It's a good match for "these" 
(roughly, "subdivisions"), especially with a name tag, since a bonus is the 
name tag renders nicely in Carto.  Carto rendering is not the reason to do it, 
simply a "nice to have, since it's done correctly, Carto rewards you with an 
appropriate rendering."  Carto does a pretty good job (maybe even always 
getting a bit better as time goes on) of rendering what you tag, when you tag 
appropriately.  Tag "appropriately" and help it out:  it will help you out with 
a pretty "blossom" of your tagging.  (Unless it doesn't, but then we're out at 
the hairy edge of OSM and Carto...another, bigger, topic).

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