Clifford:  I certainly agree with you if (and likely only if) there is 
something like a neighborhood council that actually has some sort of 
"administrative" function (which could be as "lowly" as dog catcher, mosquito 
abatement, or "sub-municipal parks department for these three neighborhood 
parks."  These are often found in larger cities, United States/Boundaries has a 
small list of examples.  But if it is more like "what the locals call it 
between 12th and Main out to the lake" (more informal, not administrative in 
any way), and it IS exclusively residential (not big or populated enough to 
contain a commercial district, though perhaps an elementary school or a 
crossroads where there is a transit stop) I'd say landuse=residental fits 

Again, if you think place=neighbourhood works, use it, but please try to be 
true to other values of place (like suburb) which allow neighbourhood to be 
used in a sensible hierarchy.  I believe you are suggesting admin_level=10 to 
fit into a hierarchy (and sensibly, too), but if it isn't something like a 
council (however tiny and local) but not political, as there seems to be a 
sense of wards at admin_level=9 that are purely voting / electoral districts to 
being better tagged administrative=political.

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