
> To map a lake in a forest area, I should currently create both a
> closed way with natural=water, and a closed way that is an 'inner'
> member of the forest's multipolygon relation. Both of these ways
> share the same nodes (and may or may not need to be oriented in
> special ways).
> This seems redundant.

Yes, and if there's a wiki page that says you should do that then  
that wiki page needs to be changed.

To map a lake in a forest area, I would create two circular ways, one  
natural=wood and one natural=water, and put them into an inner/outer  
multipoly relation and that's that. I would NOT create two ways for  
the lake and NOT care about the direction of my ways.

It is possible that some renderers don't understand that at the  
moment but then I'd suggest just fixing the renderers instead of  
inventing other ways of tagging. There's nothing wrong with the way  
we tag this (and done the way I described it there's no redundancy  
eihter). If we have a problem then it is with the rendering and not  
with the tagging, and the way to fix it is work with the renderers,  
not write new tagging proposals (that would themselves, again,  
require work on the renderers!).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00.09' E008°23.33'

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