80n wrote:

> I've made the following changes:
> 1) State borders are thicker
> 2) Secondary roads are narrower and the colour saturation has been reduced
> 3) Railway lines are a little blacker.

I have no opinion, but will add an observation that inconsistent 
tagging makes for a similar or larger difference.  The 
Scandinavian countries need to become more consistent in tagging 
before your changes will make any significant difference.

In Sweden, one type of roads are tagged as secondary or tertiary 
in different parts of the country (by different contributors).  
This produces the same kind of reduction in colour saturation as 
in your example.

Railroads in Finland are rendered very black (e.g. Osmarender 
zoom=7).  I don't know why.

Roads that Swedes tag as primary, Finns and Norwegians tag as 
trunk.  On the lower zoom levels (mapnik, zoom=6), the map of 
Finland and Norway is full of green roads, but the map of Sweden 
is almost blank (because primary roads are not rendered).

  Lars Aronsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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