Stephen Gower wrote:
> On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 11:01:33AM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>   That sounds eminently sensible, and in general I agree with your
>   proposals.  For those who think the RFC/vote process represents the
>   consensus on how things should be done, what needs to happen to
>   change that process?

I agree as well.  To change the process (IMO):
1. Tagwatch must cover the entire planet.
2. A method must be found for the wiki to remain up-to-date with
tagwatch (that is, a Key:* page with an == heading of "Values", and one
=== heading within it for each value in Tagwatch.)
3. For tags which require context (i.e. another tag on the item in 
question) to make sense, it should be possible to link to their specific 
meaning from Tagwatch.

 From this, a new tagging guide (How to tag: Roads, paths/trails, 
waterways, railroads, buildings, ski areas) can be built, presumably 
using categories.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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