El Miércoles, 8 de Octubre de 2008, Frederik Ramm escribió:
> > "Database" – A collection of Data arranged in a systematic or methodical
> > way and individually accessible by electronic or other means offered
> > under the terms of this Licence. This includes the Database as protected
> > by Database Rights or by copyright and neighbouring rights law.
> But it says "or other means", so it doesn't have to be electronic? In my
> eyes a printed telephone book fits the above description perfectly: It
> is arranged in a systematic way and individually accessible by (other)
> means.

OK, OK, phonebooks qualify, and microfiches qualify too.

> [...] But what if obfuscation happens "naturally".
> E.g if you look at yournavigation.org [...] Anyone
> also wanting to provide the service theoretically only needs that highly
> compressed indexed file, but without documentation or the code that
> creates/uses it, it would be really hard to use that file for anything.

I definitely think we need some lawyer to step into the conversation.

Otherwise, let's keep in mind that the EU DB directive, just as IP laws, has 
been written to ""protect"" the stuff, not allowing people to copy and use 
the stuff on a copyleft basis.

Adding some bits about well-known data interchange standards, or data 
specifications, seems to me like a sensible addition to the text of the ODbL.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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