
That last post was an interesting one. I liked some of your anaologies
regarding material change.

I can think of three types of material changes that we would want
contributed back to OSM:

[1] Modifications that improve (not degrade) the accuracy of a Feature geometry.
[2] Modifications that improve (not degrade) the topology of a Feature geometry.
[3] Modifications that improve (not degrade) the quality of the
Feature Tags (attributes) of a Feature.

There are two other types of changes that would seem less critical to
contribute back:

[4] Modifications that add Feature Tags (attributes) to a Feature.
[5] Modifications that add Features.

It seems like #4 and #5 may be the type of modifications that make a
derived database?

Dair wrote: "What I would like to come back would be any improvements
they made to the
OSM data; either by merging it with another database, correcting the OSM
data, etc."

I would think that this complies with the spirit of the OSM license,
correct? I don't care if you are adding some useless bit of
proprietary information as a feature tag. However, if you are making
more accurate feature geometries, I would be interested in that.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 3:44 AM, Dair Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Miller wrote:
>> 1) We clarify that a Derived Database is only deems to exist when the
>> martial changes have occurred to the content of the DB, but not if the
>> dataset has merely been processed into a different format.
> On the face of it this sounds reasonable, although I can see there being
> some contention over what counts as a "material difference".
> To give a concrete example, similar to the routing service Frederik
> mentioned, I would like to be able to use OSM data for my company's
> (commercial) application.
> This would involve:
> 1. Split the planet dump into smaller units (individual countries).
> 2. Convert from OSM's XML format to shapefiles+Dbase files. The geometry is
> unchanged, but the database schema is simplified (e.g., units are made
> metric, highway tags are converted to a fixed set of values - this is lossy,
> as we might map multiple tags to the same value).
> 3. Convert the shapefiles+Dbase files to SQLite databases. The schema is
> unchanged, but each geometry is lossily compressed.
> 4. Build additional indices (R*Tree, full text, etc) in the SQLite database.
> 5. Build additional tables (for routing, more efficient rendering, etc) in
> the SQLite database.
> 6. Convert the SQLite database into our proprietary format (compressed and
> encrypted).
> Each of these steps does change the data from OSM, however none of them
> would be useful for improving OSM (tags are lost, node coordinates are less
> precise, tables get built that are no use to anyone else).
> Given that, providing documentation on our file format (or supplying a tool
> to go back from that format to XML) seems pointless.
> The final data is a lower-quality version of the data in OSM, so I would
> hope that publishing the source planet file would be sufficient.
> If _improvements_ are made to the data along the way (perhaps we employ
> someone to sit down and fix any typos in name tags) then I would like the
> licence to compel us to send those improvements back.
> I, as a mapper, don't really care if company X turns a planet file into
> whatever format is most appropriate for their medium (using whatever
> compression or proprietary format they need).
> What I would like to come back would be any improvements they made to the
> OSM data; either by merging it with another database, correcting the OSM
> data, etc.
> In (my) order of preference, those changes could be supplied as:
> A. Directly to OSM (if you ship data with positive improvements to OSM, you
> have N weeks to insert those into the OSM database and perhaps publish a
> list of what you changed/when/why).
> B. In an OSM-compatible format (if you ship data with positive improvements
> to OSM, you publish a .osm file at the same time so someone else can
> integrate them).
> C. In a machine-readable format (perhaps shapefiles+dbf files, after step 2
> in the above). This is the worst case, since it's unlikely anyone will sift
> through these files and actually apply them to OSM unless a lot of new data
> was added over the source OSM data.
> You could argue that we need to publish our proprietary file format and that
> would avoid us having to do anything. That would be equivalent to C), and I
> think would make us less likely to want to use OSM data.
> Primarily because we want to keep that format private (since publishing it
> would allow decompilation of the commercial data we publish in that format),
> but also because I don't think it would really help OSM.
> I imagine any database that's optimised to minimise space would have the
> same problem, as your derived DB is a lower-quality version of the OSM DB.
> I'm not sure where you draw the line for a "material change" (if IDs are
> dropped to save space, do we even want that modified DB back? Or do we just
> want DBs that are a material improvement?), but thought it'd be useful to
> show exactly what our conversion process would look like.
> -dair
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