Jonathan Harley wrote:

> Frederik Ramm wrote:
>> Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>>> It only says "you must also _offer_ to recipients" (my emphasis), not
>>> "you must provide in case anyone wants it" - it's like the GPL in
>>> that regard. So you don't have to upload a new dump of the whole
>>> derivative db (or a diff of your changes) every time you update with
>>> a minute diff; you could simply write "e-mail me here for a copy" and
>>> supply it on demand.
>> And batch those requests and process them once a week? If that is deemed
>> acceptable we should write it down somewhere. Because I can *just* see
>> someone trying out what happens if he sends you one request per minute ;-)
> I don't think we should be too prescriptive about that. The definition
> of "reasonable" may well vary in different jurisdictions, and while
> I can see someone deciding to see what happens if you make one request
> per minute, I can't see them taking it to court.

<veers off on a tangent>

A propos of this general discussion, I wonder if the best solution  
would be to admit a freely-available program - e.g. osm2pgsql - as a  
valid diff.


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