Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There is no authority in OSM that has the power to mark anything as 
> deprecated.

IMHO, if someone has the authority to put something on Map Features
someone also has the authority to change or remove something or mark
it as deprecated.

> I have modified the wording on the page "deprecated features" to clearly 
> say that these are tags for which a replacement is recommended, not 
> "deprecated tags that should no longer be used". Whoever put that 
> wording in there, please note that you have *no* authority to tell 
> people how they "should" tag things!

Well, whole Map Features is about how people "should" tag things (not
how they "must" tag things).  The first paragraph says that you can
tag how you want but this is the core recommended feature set.  If
something is not recommended anymore it needs to be marked as such and
eventually removed.  

> I am also thinking about renaming the page altogether. There is simply 
> no room for the word "deprecated" here. I'm just unsure about the new 
> name. "Old features"? "Older features"?

Whether you call those tags "deprecated", "obsolete" or "old" is
secondary.  As long it is clear that Map Features is only a
recommendation it should also be clear that a deprecated feature on
there is also only a recommendation as well.


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