> in the italian mailing list they have just started talking about a
> proposal for a similar scale specific for MTBs

If that discussion is brought public at one stage, I'll be happy to help 
construct it (and in english), sorry not for subscribing to talk-it, ma parlo 
italiano come una vacca espagnola !

> to my mind, footway looks more like something specifically made for
> the needs of people walking; a mostly urban feature that can be used
> even with high heels, wearing dresses, when needing a stick for help,
That was not how I read it, and if I count the huge number of people in the 
alps using it for hinking trails, I suppose I'm not alone in this case.

However, I am just discovering a fact : What I understood in footway (a 
physical pre-supposition) is not writen anywhere on the proposal.

So I'll better be off with path in this case (only fools don't change mind) 
and still miss someway to give the physical propertie, but in the end I could 
just use the "smoothness" tag I've been fighting for, the sac_scale and the 
bike_scale when it comes out.

Then something like :

would do it.
But still, I'm lazy, and that's 4 tags instead of 1... 

( Note that there are no access tag, since in france 90% of hiking trail avec 
no restrictions at all, 9% are : dogs not allowed, 1% are bikes not allowed )

Sylvain Letuffe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qui suis-je : http://slyserv.dyndns.org

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