On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Andrew Chadwick (mailing lists)
<andrewc-email-li...@piffle.org> wrote:
> I feel really silly for having missed this thread earlier. It's a
> corker, with a real live BAN POTLATCH!!! and everything.
> People who'd like to test osm2go out on the desktop (and, ahem, like to
> build things from source, and are running a recent Debian-based system)
> might like to try out:
>   svn co https://garage.maemo.org/svn/osm2go/branches/ports/debian

I'll just point out that I got the trunk version working fine on
Ubuntu without modifications, so people shouldn't be afraid to try it
out. There were two dependencies (dang, I should have written them
down) and a simple "make" worked fine.


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