On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 02:57:52PM +0100, Brian Quinion wrote:
> >> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/489432179
> >>
> >> I'd suggest moving all the following tags
> >>
> >> addr:city = Osijek
> >> addr:country = 385
> >> addr:postcode = 31000
> >> addr:street = Starigradska
> > No! Please don't do that. That makes it harder to use. Then there are two
> > possible ways, where data can be. Please use only addr:interpolation on
> > the way and everything else on the nodes. (Of course those tags *can*
> Have the above details on the nodes makes the data potentially
> inconsistent because given 2 nodes:
> node1:
> addr:street = Starigradska
> node2:
> addr:street = SomethingElse
> way:
> addr:interpolation = all
> There is no way to know what street address the interpolated points
> have.  And enough other people are already doing this that assuming

Those kinds of errors are easy to check for. I already check for
this in the OSM Inspector (tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/).

> that you can ignore tags on the way just doesn't work.  Your advise

Do you have numbers for that?

> also contradicts the definition on wiki.

Somebody must have changed the Wiki. It used to be different. I have
changed it back.

> Putting the tags on the way prevents inconsistency and duplication.

Duplication is good. It helps with finding errors.

> >> In general creating a polygon / relation for anything above street
> >> level is probably more useful than adding it to individual nodes (or
> >> even ways) - so just draw a rough polygon for the city of Osijek and
> >> tag that instead.
> > No. Creating polygons and relations willy nilly makes this harder to use.
> > Again, it means there are several places where the software has to look
> > for the data and several places where people have to look for the data.
> I disagree with your statement but you have also miss-interpreted what I said.
> I mean use a polygon / relation to create a polygon for the place (in
> this case Osijek).  The street/house is then known to be within the
> town because it is inside the town polygon.

Ok, thats a different issue. If you already have, say, an area with
landuse=residential for the town, you could also tag it with this data.
But its totally undefined what this is supposed to mean. If people just
put those tags anywhere its hard to make sure the right meaning is
understood. Depending on whether a way is closed and on other tags this
way has, different things could be meant. Say the motorway around London
is tagged with addr:postcode, does this mean that everything inside it,
has this postcode? Probably not. But what if it is also tagged with a
boundary tag?

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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