I believe Andy R is. Field boundaries would also be a great help in the 3D
> navigation stuff I'm working on.
> I think most people who map the countryside do map gates and stiles btw.
> Nick
We do, but sometimes that's not quite enough. I had a path that ran 
parallel to a hedge but there was no clear indication which side it was 
on either on the ground or the OS 1:25k. I went down the wrong side & 
had to double back.

In these cases where footpaths cross boundaries/barriers I try to map as 
much as I can see, even if it's just looks like short stubs on the map. 
A full set of field layouts would be ideal, but just an indication of 
where they are when met by a way can be just as useful.

Good use of the word lacuna, Mike H.

Dave F.

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