Dave makes a good point - the most important thing for walkers in farmed
rural areas is often to know on which side of the hedge / fence they ought
to be. OS 1:25k is fairly useless for this as the difference between one
side of the hedge and the other is usually less than the registration error
between the OS overlays for public rights of way and the base map! Larger
scale OS does not afaik show public rights of way as such - just 'paths' and
'tracks'. So OSM can offer something here.

I will try to record fence / hedge stubs more often - especially when I note
that they do not agree with OS mapping!

Mike Harris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave F. [mailto:dave...@madasafish.com] 
> Sent: 24 September 2009 13:18
> To: Nick Whitelegg
> Cc: Mike Harris; talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries
> I believe Andy R is. Field boundaries would also be a great 
> help in the 3D
> > navigation stuff I'm working on.
> >
> > I think most people who map the countryside do map gates 
> and stiles btw.
> >
> > Nick
> >
> >   
> We do, but sometimes that's not quite enough. I had a path 
> that ran parallel to a hedge but there was no clear 
> indication which side it was on either on the ground or the 
> OS 1:25k. I went down the wrong side & had to double back.
> In these cases where footpaths cross boundaries/barriers I 
> try to map as much as I can see, even if it's just looks like 
> short stubs on the map. 
> A full set of field layouts would be ideal, but just an 
> indication of where they are when met by a way can be just as useful.
> Good use of the word lacuna, Mike H.
> Dave F.

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