>>I believe Andy R is. Field boundaries would also be a great help in the 
>> navigation stuff I'm working on.
>> I think most people who map the countryside do map gates and stiles 
>> Nick
>We do,

I know, because I'm one of them ;-)

>but sometimes that's not quite enough. I had a path that ran 
>parallel to a hedge but there was no clear indication which side it was 
>on either on the ground or the OS 1:25k. 

Just to check, and apologies if I'm telling you the complete obvious: make 
sure that the OS 1:25000 map is not the only evidence you have of which 
side of the hedge the path goes. Make sure there's some evidence on the 
ground as well e.g. a way marker. Otherwise if you use that to decide 
where the path goes it's probably breach of copyright.

>I went down the wrong side & 
>had to double back.

It's happened to me before where a way marker tells me I went wrong at the 
other end. I think I've doubled back once or twice but sometimes haven't 
bothered because the difference between one side and the other is less 
than the GPS resolution. It would be more important in these cases to note 
where the hedge is with respect to the correct course of the path.


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