Nick Whitelegg wrote:
>>> I believe Andy R is. Field boundaries would also be a great help in the 
> 3D
>>> navigation stuff I'm working on.
>>> I think most people who map the countryside do map gates and stiles 
> btw.
>>> Nick
>> We do,
> I know, because I'm one of them ;-)
>> but sometimes that's not quite enough. I had a path that ran 
>> parallel to a hedge but there was no clear indication which side it was 
>> on either on the ground or the OS 1:25k. 
> Just to check, and apologies if I'm telling you the complete obvious: make 
> sure that the OS 1:25000 map is not the only evidence you have of which 
> side of the hedge the path goes. Make sure there's some evidence on the 
> ground as well e.g. a way marker.
In this case it was by trial & error, because, as I said there it wasn't 
clear on the ground or on the map.
The only evidence I found was a kissing gate on my return down the other 
side of the hedge.
>  Otherwise if you use that to decide 
> where the path goes it's probably breach of copyright.
Nick, you bring up a point that needs expanding on, but takes us away 
from Filed Boundaries. To get as many peoples opinion as possible I've 
started a new thread: Breach of Copyright?

Dave F.

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