2011/5/3 Jaak Laineste <jaak.laine...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/5/3 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> Creating relation could be same, or even more extra work, this is
> correct (but fixable in editor level).

actually it will (with explicit numbers without interpolation) not be
possible at the editor level to make it less work for the relation,
you will always have the relation as additional work (and you will
have to enter the numbers manually, while I agree that there could be
a minor improvement for pasting:
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/6300 )

> Point of avoiding redundancy
> (normalization) is to make maintenance easier in long run. How much
> manual work do you need to do if any of the underlying object is
> modified: street names change now and then,
> sometimes whole
> administrative system is reformed and even Europe has countries added
> or merged every decade.

performing a "search" in JOSM you can also quite easily change lots of
objects the same time. I am not totally opposing relations, they are
there and you can use them if you want, it is just that most mappers
don't use them (me included) for housenumbers, because it makes
mapping more complicated without (IMHO) a real benefit, and it is
definitely more complex (bad for less experienced mappers).


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