
On 12/05/2011 10:17 PM, Frans Thamura wrote:
this idea want to make my osmosa.net as our central of update, and
focus for specific country (Indonesia). and we want our work also part
of OSM.org .

so none will update to OSM.org, but the server will update to OSM.org

why this idea cannot be done?

The problem is edit conflicts. Your server will not be the exlusive edit server for Indonesia. This means someone - e.g. I - could change an object on the osm.org server and someone else - e.g. you - could change the object on the osmosa server. Later, when the osmosa server wants to upload its data to OSM.org, there will be an edit conflict, and the edit on osmosa will be lost.

This can happen in normal osm.org editing as well (we both edit the same object) but in that case the second uploader gets an error message and can solve the problem - whereas in your case the person may have closed his editor already and will not be reachable for conflict detection.

There are other problems as well, for example the osm.org server would accept all your edits under one user ID and it would not be possible to identify who exactly has made a change; messages from one OSM member to another could not cross the "osm<->osmosa" boundary properly, and so on.

This is not something that cannot be solved but it requires a lot of thought and a lot of updates to the rails port before it can fly.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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