On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Aun Johnsen <li...@gimnechiske.org> wrote:

> It is not entirely correct that it is not possible to have a
> distributed editing API, for example on osmosa.net, but that would
> require a heavy redesign of the database, server and API parts of OSM.

It's entirely possible.  We've been doing it, for real, for several months.

We've been taking OSM content and applying it to a separate database which
also has direct contributions. This is the opposite direction to what you
are contemplating, but the same principles apply.

All you have to do is:
1)  Generate minutely-diff files from your OSM instance, containing just
the local edits.
2) Post-process the diff files to change the id of any new elements to a
negative value.  This is simply a matter of multiplying the id by -1 if the
element's version attribute is 1.
3) Import to OSM using your favourite load tool.
4) Resolve any edit collisions.

In practice, the risk of edit collisions is very small, and when they do
happen it is non-destructive and easy to resolve with no special skills.

You might find there is political resistance to this idea from some OSM
people, but nobody can stop you from doing it.

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