THEVENON Julien wrote:
*>>>> *I do get the impression that the Cadastre import has it's own rules on
how to use it, and those are only available in French, which irritates.
You mean you would appreciate a translation of French Cadastre wiki page ?
That has been a previous request :) The google translation is a little strange.

*>>>> *But it does need to follow the generic rules, which simply allow some
tracking of where detail is sourced, and also the accuracy of that data.
Every objects coming from cadastre have a tag source mentionning cadastre. This
is mandatory and required by French Cadastre to be integrated in OSM
And if we can automate that process it would help you?

*>>>> *We have been getting some information on their process, but I still don't
understand some of the problems they are flagging as reasons for the practices?
Could you precise which problems you do not understand so we can clarify ?
I'm just repeating things that were being quoted earlier, but I would like to have a look at the data myself to see if we are talking about the same things. Accessing the French data is difficult for a non French speaker :(

*>>>> *import processes which are simply mapping a data source into a format
that can be merged.
Concerning French cadastre the manual work to merged the data is quite huge
whereas for CLC import it was automatically done. Do you consider that this
manual work is part of the import process or not ?
That part of the process simply needs to be identified.
I'm still pushing here for a more robust process that will simplify merging this data in future, and the bulk delete that prompted the debate is an example of where data HAS already been imported, so the PROCESS to import it needs to be addressed ... which is partly being addressed by the layers discussion. Importing material to work with is the 'automatic' bit, and processing a new version of the data to merge with existing data is 'automatic'. See below ...

*>>>> *I thinks that THIS is another misconception that is causing confusion.
To avoid confusion and misconception is there somewhere an exhaustive clear and
preceise list of objectives of Guidelines imports rules ?
It would be good to have such a list to be sure that we discuss about the same
things and the same goals.
It would also allow to discuss on facts and technical points and perform an
objective evaluation of strengh and weaknesses of various proposal.
For the moment I`m not sure that everyone has the same vision of what we are
doing and which goals we want to reach.
Totally agree ...
Many of my own requirements have already been addressed via other 'improvements' and being able to access a range of historic maps geo-referenced to the base 'layer' is allowing me to create my own data. But *I* would like to be able to combine the simple 'start_date' information into a single layer whch is fine where an object still exists, but often nowadays newer 'estates' replace the old terraces, or areas bombed out in the past :(

*>>>> *Cadastre is at least two layers, the original raw data, and a processed
view of that data from which objects are 'imported' into 'osm'. Both of those
layers should be accessible for all of us to at least view
The original data are available on cadastre website
The processed data are available town by town on
The data after user manual processing in order to solve issues ( coherency with
existing OSM data, artefacts not detectable by processing scripts etc ) are the
one sent to OSM ( Data coming from cadastre avec source flag.
I can't access the government data as an overlay? The English translation is a little light, but I suspect this only give hard copy output? IS the raw data available in a manor that we can access directly in a josm or something similar?

The seems to a similar problem? I can select a Department and then in some cases Ville, but nothing seems to happen?

There is obviously good data available, and all I'm asking is some help in viewing it. In the same manor as data is being made usable elsewhere ;) The UK's OS data is available as 'layers' we can work with, and it would be nice to see the French data similarly available. We have to process the raw OS data into a raw format that is correctly geo-referenced, and that raw data is available, so I would anticipate that the French data has had similar processing? Is that raw data available anywhere? Having got the raw layer(s) we NOW need to process them into a 'staging' layer which can be used to integrate later updates - all of which should be made available as raw layers - but the staging layer would be the one that flags what has or has not been merged. So I'm not sure if is your 'raw data' layer, in which case there should be a 'version select' or your staging layer?

We are missing tools to make all this work, but they are the same tools world wide, and we just need to identify some fine detail on the processes?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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