On 2013-03-31 19:22, Florian Lohoff wrote:
On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 07:01:19PM +0200, Maarten Deen wrote:
It is a common and often-used method to indicate regions that have
high-resolution Bing imagery in an area where the rest is only
I would not delete them. They serve a purpose. If you have a better
working suggestion (i.e. a low-hi-res overlay to use in the editors)
then you might have a point.

They are put into the database at a certain point where they might
really show the area of HiRes Sat imagery. Nobody cares about them
afterwards and bing regularly updates their imagary. So after a year
you would need to correct them which in my cases nobody did over a span
of more then 2 months.

As they were wrong and nobody cared i deleted them.

Obviously, when somtheing is wrong you either correct or delete it. But that is stating the obvious. I think there is no debate about that.


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