On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 6:26 AM, Tom MacWright <t...@macwright.org> wrote:

> > Please, do not offer a delete function that prominent !
> This has come up before. Where should this action button move? Or should
> there be an alert message? How to resolve this with pro users who get angry
> with how hidden or alert-messaged the functionality is? Would welcome
> feedback here beyond the simple negative.

Here is a complete proposal on that topic, with no upper case text or

And a proposal related to sorting out which users still need to use P2
because of speed issues:

But perhaps most critically of all, before iD becomes the default, are the
issues of damaging relations and "oneway=yes" tagged ways:

We cannot rehash and respond to all issues in iD, without context, on every
> thread that relates to it. Please search and use the issue tracker for
> bugs, as you would do with any other open source project.
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